University of Campinas was founded in 1966, has 6 campi, has 18,000 undergrad students and 12,000 grad students. It has 1,800 professors and 8,000 non faculty staff. The Ecotoxicology and Environmental Microbiology Lab (LEAL) located in the School of Technology, Campus I of LImeira is involved in SOLUTIONS.
Rua Paschoal Marmo 1888,
13484-332 Limeira,
Role in the SOLUTIONS project
- Help in the identification of mutagenic samples and verify the application of diagnostic strains in Effect Directed Analysis
Main scientific contributions
- Discovery of mutagenic compounds and development of a bioassay integrated approach for Effect Directed Analysis.
Member portraits
Gisela de Aragão Umbuzeiro
Gisela is involved in the SOLUTIONS with funding from FAPESP (Research Agency of the State of São Paulo). FAPESP Project 13/16956-6
Fabio Kummrow
Young investigator
Daniel Alexandre Morales
PhD student funded by CAPES, Brazil
Lenita Busch
Secretary of Research Projects